Nigeria: Pastor says ‘I was attacked by the so-called repentant Boko Haram terrorist members’

Nigeria: Pastor says ‘I was attacked by the so-called repentant Boko Haram terrorist members’



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Deradicalization programs are an abysmal failure everywhere they have been implemented. From the Jihad Watch archives:

Austria: Vienna jihad murderer had gone to deradicalization program, was not considered a terror threat

UK: Libyan migrant who went on stabbing spree in Reading was in government deradicalization program

UK: London jihadi stabbed man at deradicalization event, victim’s father hopes killing won’t be used as a “pretext”

Gitmo prisoner reveals: Saudi “deradicalization program” is really a jihad training program

11 ex-Gitmo prisoners flee the Saudi “rehabilitation program” and join up with terrorist groups

Jaw-dropper: 25 former Gitmo detainees “return to militancy” despite Saudi rehab program!

Graduate from Saudi jihadi rehab program killed in Syrian jihad: “killed a large number of Christians before his acceptance by God”

Flight 253 jihadist wasn’t cured by Saudi anti-jihad art therapy

Former Guantanamo detainee now top al-Qaeda ideologue — “He was transferred to Saudi Arabia in 2006 where he was placed in a national rehabilitation project.”

Indonesian government admits that its jihadist rehab program is a failure

Malaysia: Muslim cleric active in deradicalization program promotes hatred of non-Muslims

France’s only jihadi “deradicalization” center is closing — it was voluntary, and it was empty

Australia: Multi-million-dollar taxpayer-funded “deradicalization” helpline “failing to gain traction”

The whole premise of “deradicalization” is that Islam is a religion of peace that jihadis misunderstand, twist, and hijack. Since that is a false premise, and warfare against unbelievers is actually taught in the Qur’an and Sunnah, “deradicalization” focuses on other issues, such as “anger issues” that the jihadi may have, his feelings of “alienation,” and the like.

But since none of that changes what the Qur’an and Sunnah say about warfare against unbelievers, it doesn’t “deradicalize” the jihadi at all. Jonathan Hall, the UK’s independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said there was “no magic bullet or special pill” that could help to change convicted jihadis.

“How ‘Repentant’ Boko Haram Terrorists Disguised As Tricycle Riders, Attacked Pastor In Borno,” Sahara Reporters, June 9, 2023:

A Borno State cleric, Reverend Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, has narrated how he was allegedly attacked by some gunmen who were “repentant” Boko Haram terrorists.

SaharaReporters gathered that the incident happened around Brethren EYN Farm Centre, in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State.

Kallamu, who is also Director General Centre for Justice on Religious and Ethnicity group in Nigeria, told SaharaReporters on Friday that he was attacked on Thursday night around 7:30pm after he left his Church going to Custom area of the town.

The Reverend alleged that the Borno State and the Nigerian federal governments had given more freedom to the terrorist groups than the innocent Nigerians.

He said; “I was attacked by the so-called repentant Boko Haram terrorist members, yesterday night around 7:30pm after I had left the Church of the Brethren EYN Farm Centre.”…

SaharaReporters had in May reported that about 2,167 rehabilitated Boko Haram members graduated from the Nigerian government’s Operation Safe Corridor’s (OPSC) Deradicalisation, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DRR) programme.

This had been stated by Mr Audu Ayuba, the Assistant Director of Planning, Research and Strategy, National Orientation Agency (NOA).

The workshop was on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE), and Disengagement, Disassociation, Reintegration and Reconciliation (DDRR) in Abuja.

Ayuba, who presented a paper titled “Overview of Operation Safe Corridor (OPSC),” stated that there were 2,140 Nigerians and 27 foreigners from Cameroon, Chad, and Niger among the 2,167 trainees.

“Since the inception of the OPSC DRR programme, 2,167 clients have graduated comprising 2,140 Nigerians and 27 foreigners (Cameroun, Chad and Niger).

“They were successfully handed over to their national and state authorities for reintegration. The programme was accepted by the state governments, community leaders and people of the North-East….

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