Why the Mbaise People were prevented from using the hotel they paid for in Texas,USA

Update on the Mbaise event πŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎπŸ‘‡πŸΎ


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we have a problem. We are a very confused and disorganised set of people . Dont mind this story. We have been having this convention since thursday without any issues. Last night at the closing dinner, the venue was for maximum of about 500 people
They sold tickets and almost 2000 people came with a lot not wearing the payment tag forcing themselves in. A function that was suppposed to start at 8pm, they were still doing introductions by 11pm. A lot of people came into the dinner with drinks from outside when it was not allowed. The crowd was uncontrollable. Earlier same day the morning function dragged till evening when they were supposed to clean the place and set up for the evening, our people delayed and they were virtually forcing us out that afternoon to enable them prepare for evening. These people pay salaries per hour so having to wait for 3 hrs to start work who pays for that. Look at the narrative of this clown. The small venue was jam packed , noisy and so rancarous so police shut it down. We are not serious!!


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