We defend democracy and this must continue. And we’re going to do exactly what the president says. We are ready and as soon as we receive the order to intervene, we will do so/Nigeria Army Chief

This is unacceptable. We defend democracy and this must continue. And we’re going to do exactly what the president says. We are ready and as soon as we receive the order to intervene, we will do so,”
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COUP IN NIGER, RISK OF CONFLAGRATION IN THE SAHEL?/Eric Coulibaly of Vode de cote d ivore
West Africa is on the verge of conflagration. While Burkina and Mali give their joint support to the new leaders in Niger, the Nigerian Chief of Staff says he is “ready to intervene militarily in the country


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France announces the evacuation of its nationals from Niger. The situation is tense in the country. After threats by ECOWAS to use force to restore constitutional order in Niamey, Mali and Burkina are united.

The two countries that share the Sahelian zone of the three borders have taken up the cause of Niger. Better, they consider “as a declaration of war on their respective countries, any attack against the new strong men of Niamey”.

In an intervention made public a little earlier, the head of the Nigerian armies, General Christopher Musa, is already mobilizing his troops for a possible intervention in Niger.

” This is unacceptable. We defend democracy and this must continue. And we’re going to do exactly what the president says. We are ready and as soon as we receive the order to intervene, we will do so,” he threatened.

Are the opposing forces on the brink of confrontation? Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, who is also the current president of ECOWAS , is playing his credibility after taking a strong stance against coups d’etat.

For political scientist Kipré Paul, a specialist in military issues, ECOWAS is lagging behind the political crises in the sub-region.

“I have some recriminations to make. Because we, ECOWAS, have sinned. We are building our continent and therefore have a duty to be proactive. But we are in the reaction. The putschists will always be one step ahead of us. For decades, we have been calling to perfect our standby force, to oil our mechanism, within the African Union (AU) or in other poles such as CEMAC, but we are not working enough. We do half and we go back. It is now that we are trying to set up an armed intervention, but it is too late. A common GTIA (inter-armed battle group) would have made things easier for a long time” , analyzed for 7info, the university professor.

The security crisis does not seem to be the only reason for the seizure of power by the military in Niger. Internal political dissension is said to have precipitated the downfall of Mohamed Bazoum .

But according to Kipré Paul, the new leaders have the propensity to put the country back on track.

“There are elements that we don’t have yet. In the analysis, the real role of former President Issoufou is missing, his will before the corporatist strike of the military. Today, things are getting out of hand. I am inclined to fear a divide between Nigeriens. General Modi, ex-chief of staff, is much wiser and more conciliatory than General Tchiani. This former EMPT (Modi) is very popular with the troops. The commander of the special forces, General Salaou has the skills to curb and expedite common problems. Colonel Major Djibrila Hamidou has also already proven his conciliation skills. Colonel Soumana Kalkoye, General Abdou Sidikou, General Moussa Mahamane, Colonel Bako, General Souley Mahamane,, he said.

Niger, the third country in the sub-region to suffer a coup since 2020, does not intend to bow down.

Despite sanctions from ECOWAS and the European Union, the ruling junta is stepping up arrests in the camp of the ousted president, in order to further consolidate his power.

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