In a courtroom in faraway Illinois, USA, an amusing and strange drama is playing out that may well decide the fate of millions of West African soldiers and innocent civillians. The sitting Prezzdent of Nigeria is almost comically resisting legal efforts to have his academic records at the Chicago State University released. One would have thought someone at that level would be proud to brandish his academic records in the faces of his “hapless” opponents, having “won” the election. In Tinubu’s case, he is desperately fighting tooth and nail to NOT have the records released. Evidence already brought into the public domain by the intrepid
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@DavidHundeyin suggests that he may in fact be a trans-sexual, one of the first in the world. In a world now bessoted with extreme perversions like “gender-fluidity”, one would have thought that this would earn him serious brownie points with his bosses in a United States government that has made LGBTQP+ evangelism in Africa its top foreign policy priority.
Again, mysteriously, Tinubu demurs, and is fighting frantically to not have the records released. Whatever his reason is, the court has already crossed the first legal hurdle he placed in their path – jurisdiction. Yesterday, they decided that they had jurisdiction over the matter. Millions of West Africans, especially in Nigeria and Niger are watching with keen interest, keeping their eyes as much on the American Judiciary as they are on the Nigerian Judiciary. I hope the Nigerian Judiciary are watching how justice is dispensed eslewhere, because Africa is watching them. #OneMilliionManMarch#AllEyesOnTheJudiciary#TinubuMUSTbeDisqualified
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