Feudalism and the Elites don’t like any change and so they use igbophobia to remain in power but power is transient

On why most northerners are quiet on the ills of twisted religion..Engr A wrote


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Most who speak Igbo are bigoted northerners and they are few…the north practice feudalism and so when the few, who have hijack power speak, it creates the impression that the majority has spoken, this is one reason they detest PO emergence, PO represent what they fear…the voice of the majority…

Igbo are disliked for no reason you can fathom out, most say that Igbo killed their leaders in the 66 coup, even though many Igbo officers were killed in the counter coup…the civil war ended, the north won and yet the elites still blame Igbo for everything bad but like I said, it feudalism and the elites don’t like any change and so use they use igbophobia to remain in power but power is transient, it keeps changing hand…once the majority are fed up, once they have exhausted their patient with the elites, it happened in Mali, once the Dogon arose and said no more…Mali has never been the same

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