A bitter France is still planning operations against Niger /A take

Breaking – France here are some French journalists and political analysts on their channel LCI debating on a theme, “France in Niger: A Pitiful or Courageous End?”. Here’s what the man is saying and I quote, “The other side also is that, given our ambassador and our soldiers are no more hostages in Niger , somehow, in our current position, we will have more flexibility to start up some operations of destabilization more secretive.” You see, when some of us are exposing the evil that France does to Africa, along with all her imperialist friends, some say, oh why are you always talking about France ? Well, I will always talk about France because most of the Anglophones or the English speaking world don’t really know what’s going on in our countries. This is why I mainly chose to write in English for you guys to understand what we’re dealing with. Remember, it was on the same French media that they said that the only way to stop Vladimir Putin and to put an end to his special military operation in Ukraine was to assassinate him. They run their big mouths as usual, meanwhile we all know that it only took Hitler 6 weeks to overrun Belgium , the Netherlands , Luxembourg and France . So, with this kind of analysts, what more can we say ? What is your reaction?


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