To be successful in a coup against will have to defeat all Burkinabes/Cleric expresses support for Taore (video)

Burkina Faso


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– In Bobo Dioulasso! Here’s an Iman giving the same warning message in French, in Moore, and in Dioula, to all those who are thinking that they will be able to do a coup against Ibrahim Traore and remain in the country. The cameraman said, “it seems that there was an attempted coup”, and here is what the Imam said, “ A coup that was under way in Burkina Faso? It’s a dream! We don’t think they can do a coup d’état right now. In Burkina Faso, anyone who tries a coup d’état, whether you’re a devil or Satan himself, or anything else, we’ll become like you and we will face you and catch you. Let no one deceive you, be it your family, your money, your white friends, don’t even think about it. We will destroy everything that belongs to you, your house, your family members, even your name will disappear from our homeland. This transitional government is the government of the youth, so, don’t even think about it! Don’t try! Homeland or death!” Folks, I’ve been reporting what I hear and some people think I’m making stuff up. No! These are not empty words, these are serious warnings not to be taken lightly. I showed you how a soldier barely escaped from the hands of the mob. I hear people say, Ibrahim himself came by coup. Yes, he did, but this is not a coup for France

just like the coup that Thomas Sankara did. Do you know how many of our Presidents France

killed? Go look at one of my previous posts if you don’t know! This is a patriotic coup to liberate us from imperialism. When sellouts run our countries, only revolutionary leaders can give us back our freedom and sovereignty! For those who are saying that

@CapitaineIb226 will face a coup himself, well, they may succeed, but they will have to face the fury of all Burkinabè who are fighting for our sovereignty. This is not the 1960’s or 1987 when they killed Sankara, and our parents let the traitor Blaise Compaore rule the country for 27 years. Hell no! This is 2023, and if you touch our young Captain, then you will not also escape. There’s no way out! Our enemies better listen to these warnings! This is not a joke! This is war! In Ouagadougou as I’m writing this, our youth are keeping watch at the usual place, “Place des Nations Unies”, and tomorrow, September 29th, 2023, there’s going to be a nationwide demonstration to send a strong message to those who are trying to sabotage our transition! Stay tune! I’ll keep y’all posted! A luta continua!

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