Hasty Fuel Subsidy removal was the singular mistake Tinubu made that landed the country into misery/Prof Itse Sagay

Prof. Itsey Sagay (SAN), the former Chairman of the Presi­dential Advisory Committee on Corruption under former Pres­ident Muhammadu Buhari, has blamed President Bola Ahmed Tinubu over the current econom­ic crisis plaguing Nigeria.


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The human rights activist and legal luminary, while in an interview with Daily Indepen­dent on the state of the economy, said President Tinubu’s “terrible mistakes” in his policies have ac­counted to why Nigerians are go­ing through hardship, saying the twin pronouncement of removal of fuel subsidy and floating of the naira, among other decisions so far, have led to Nigerians living in misery presently.

Prof. Sagay said: “Tinubu started on the wrong footing and acted in a haste on his inaugura­tion day. That is what triggered the hardship Nigerians are going through right now. Saying subsi­dy is gone was such a hasty state­ment when he hadn’t put up any arrangement, any plan to shore up the economy.

“That was the greatest mistake he made so far as the president and it robbed him of the normal enjoyment of one hundred days honeymoon. His decision and how he started has plunged the country into misery. I was interviewed after he won the election to advice on what to do about subsidy and I said I agreed that subsidy should go but it has to stay until we start refining petrol internally. I said we have to wait until Dangote Refinery or one of those refineries starts refining and then subsidy will go. It will go naturally because what makes subsidy is the transport. You carry crude abroad and car­ry same back as refined product with charges and all that.

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