Burkina faso To launch its first gold refinery on Nov 23

Burkina Faso – New development agenda! This coming Thursday, November 23rd,


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will be attending the ceremony of the laying of the first stone of our first gold refinery. You heard me well, we are going to be refining gold made in Burkina. SONASP (in English, National Precious Substances Company) is a state owned company that will control all the minerals of the country. You see, I have been wondering since I was a student in Ghana (2011-2015) that how come Burkina Faso has so much gold, so much so that gold represents the main export of the country, that is 74.5% of the country’s total export values, with cotton being the second largest exported product which contributes 8.5% of total exports by value, but we don’t have a state owned company that controls this precious commodity? And yet, France that doesn’t have gold mines, has a state owned company that controls gold? Why? Smh! You see, creating your own state owned companies that will control your own raw materials is not rocket science, it’s common sense, it is the right thing to do. Many African countries were misled, no fooled to accept the SAPs that destroyed our economies to the benefit of western multinationals. How can you as a leader of the country, and economic hit men come to you and tell you that you must privatize your state owned companies, and you gladly accept it. Truly, Africa was ruled for the most part by fools. Anyway, folks, stay tuned! I will keep you updated. One love !

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