What we are discussing here, are ox gallstones. Gallstones are mineral deposits (and not of organic matter) mainly found in bovines gallbladders.
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We make a distinction between different kinds of Ox gallstones, depending on their size, shape and colour, each of these holds a significant commercial value.
Size / Weight / Shape / Colour
1st Grade – Completely orange > 2,5 cm3
Gallstones look like stones of various shapes and colours.
Two main shapes : egg-shaped or pyramid-shaped.
Two distinct colours : Orange brown, or dark brown close to brownish black.
Some gallstones can be as big as a hens-egg (whose weight can reach 100 grs), but the average gallstone will be more likely the size of a pigeon’s egg, weighing around 10 grams.
Gallstones develop inside a number of bovines, mainly depending on their age and diet.
They are essentially located in the gallbladder.
The bovine race is quite diverse. It includes, depending on the countries: cows, oxen bulls, buffalos, zebus, bison’s, yaks, gaurs…
Gallstones have a significant commercial value that can reach up to 160 000 USD* per kilogram. Their value depends on their size, their quality, the conditions of their preservation and their texture.
For an organization with bovine-related activities, collecting gallstones can be a very profitable source of additional revenue, especially seeing that it doesn’t require any additional expenses nor investments.
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