Pantami seeks to fool us into believing that his NIN-SIM exercise was effective but the non-cooperation by security agents is the reason for the increased kidnapping incidents/A take

After failing while in government, they tell tales to make themselves appear righteous and patriotic before the public. They literally attempt to rewrite history, and when they get older, they adorn themselves with the garment of statesmanship that they are unfit to wear. Sadly, some Nigerians, who usually forget things easily, sympathizes with these people, and agree with their rhetorics. This is the case of Malam Ali Isa Pantami, the former minister of communication, who has been pontificating over his failed NIN-SIM arrangement for almost 24hrs. In 2021, Pantami told Nigerians that NIN-SIM linkage was a necessity to curb insecurity in Nigeria, while the Muhammadu Buhari led APC administration made it compulsory and set a deadline for it. Failure to comply comes with having phone numbers deactivated. Nigerians were left on the edge! Not wanting to have their SIM cards barred, Nigerians defied Covid-19 protocols, marched to various NIN registration centers for the registration exercise across the country, but Pantami led Ministry and the FG did not made adequate provisions. People had to resort to bribing NIMC officials N5000 to N15,000 just to have their NIN numbers to fulfill the NIN-SIM linkage. Those without the capacity or unwillingness to bribe their way were made to spend hours on queues daily – most times without success. It was a ridiculous 2021. After the entire shenanigans, kidnapping and crimes increased the more, we became unsafe than we were before the NIN-SIM exercise. Pantami and Buhari administration dealt with us! Instead of admitting that he was ineffective while in office and apologize to Nigerians for the untoward hardship, pains and stress he put us through in the name of NIN-SIM registration, he is trying to pass the sole blame to the equally failed security agencies. Pantami seeks to fool us into believing that his NIN-SIM exercise was effective but the non-cooperation by security agents is the reason for the increased kidnapping incidents. Rubbish! Tonye Barcanista


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