President Faye vows again to bring back the AES into ECOWAS.

President Faye vows again to bring back the AES into ECOWAS. Last week, after his state visit to


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@officialABAT @PR_Diomaye went to meet @NAkufoAddo for the friendship and cooperation between their two nations. President Akufo-Addo said that they discussed strengthening their bilateral relations, enhancing economic cooperation, and exploring new avenues for collaboration in various sectors, including trade, education, and technology. Moreover, he said that their shared commitment to democratic values and regional stability was also a key topic of their dialogue. But here’s what President Diomaye Faye said during their joint press conference, “ECOWAS is currently going through difficult times but we will all work to consolidate the achievements in terms of integration, in a burst of common fraternal solidarity. Unity is essential in the sub-region. It is by being united that together we will be able to better undertake the important projects still pending.” More importantly, he added, “I am open to this sharing, I am happy and I am pleased that on your side you are in the same arrangements. I am convinced that you are aware of the heavy responsibility that we have as contemporaries to at least transmit ECOWAS in the same state of strength, strengthen it, improve it in its governance so that it can face the challenges that are ours. Especially in terms of security, the danger is there, and even threatens the existence of certain countries. In terms of illicit trafficking, drug trafficking, and cybercrime, ECOWAS still has many challenges to overcome. And it will only meet these challenges when it is united, when it is better integrated. I know you are aware of this. This is why Mr President of the Republic, I would like to count on your wisdom, on your pan-African commitment so that we can try together to put our strengths, our ideas, our thoughts together with our African brothers from ECOWAS who are on the verge of leaving it. I want to name Mali l, I want to name Burkina , I want to name Niger , so that we can at least find a way to talk to them. I know that if we talk, we will find solutions to bring them home, at least to prevent them from leaving, because they need us, and we need them.” End quote. Wow! I didn’t know that for President Faye, the AES is still part of ecowas_cedeao and has not yet left the org. Moreover, I didn’t@NAkufoAddowas a pan-African with so much wisdom and commitment. Interesting! Alright, folks, I think there’s no need for me to say much because, I already did in my previous posts. So, I won’t repeat myself. With that being said, I rest my case!/Sy Marcus Herve Traore

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