Economic Hardship: “There Is No Hope Under Tinubu’s Govt” – Anglican Archbishop

Archbishop of the Aba Ecclesiastical Province and leader, Southern Nigeria Bishops Conference, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Dr Isaac Nwaobia, has declared that there is no hope for the country under the Bola Tinubu administration.


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The cleric made the comment in an interview with Newsmen in ABA, Abia State.

He said the continuous slide of the Naira against the American dollar, had also brought Nigerians untold hardships with no plan in place by the Tinubu administration to find solutions to them.

His words: ”It’s a pity Nigeria has found itself in this situation. We’re deteriorating by the day because of bad leadership. Unfortunately, the man said he has the solutions and made a very nasty pronouncement on the day of his swearing-in, which caused the whole disaster after the increase in prices of petroleum products.

”I know that he was struggling to legitimise the illegality in his ascension to the office. He wanted to assert his ability; that’s why he made the statement. That’s what has provoked the crisis, and the about 500 per cent increase in prices of goods. The average Nigerian is suffering.”

Asked if there is no sign the present government is on course to repair the country, the cleric said:

“I still maintain that there is no hope because up till this moment, the president and his men have not laid any good foundation for such a programme.”

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