Advocate for Ibrahim Traore as Single Leader for a Borderless Africa debuts on

The existing divided leadership in Africa has led to disparities in growth, development, and equality across the continent. This petition aims to dissolve the colonial borders and bring together the diverse nations of Africa under collective leadership for a more united, robust Africa. We propose Ibrahim Traore, the current president of Burkina Faso, to be the unified President of Africa. With a solid track record, his leadership would ensure equitable development, a single currency, and a unified national flag representing all African nations. Out of 1733 individuals who signed the preceding petition, a significant majority supports a borderless Africa led by one leader. Now is the time to heighten our efforts. Unity is strength; together, we can build a stronger Africa. Let’s unite Africa under one leader, one currency, and one flag. Please sign this petition to show your support for a united Africa under the leadership of Ibrahim Traore.


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