Kenya was morally wrong to join other African nations in abstaining from condemning Israel in the Gaza war at UNGA/Ndûng’û wa Ndegwa

Kenya’s decision today to abstain on a critical General Assembly resolution calling for an end to Israel’s illegal occupation and the implementation of the ICJ advisory is a blatant betrayal of its own principles. For decades, Kenya has been a beacon of self-determination, shaped by its own brutal experience of colonization. This abstention is not just a deviation—it’s a disgrace. Worse still, it comes after Kenya voted in favor of upgrading Palestine’s status in the UN, only to abandon Palestine in its hour of need.


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Joining Kenya in this moral retreat were Ethiopia, Malawi, Cameroon, DRC, Liberia, Rwanda, and South Sudan—countries that, like Kenya, were once occupied and oppressed. These nations, born from the struggle for freedom, now choose to look the other way as others face the same injustices they once endured. What is this if not hypocrisy? How can countries that once cried for freedom now refuse to stand against occupation?

The reasons are clear—fear, intimidation, or the false hope of transactional gain. But let’s be honest: none of these countries is thriving by making these cowardly choices. Their attempts to curry favor through silence are not taking them ahead. They are stagnating, lost in a misguided belief that betraying their own values will somehow serve their interests. It won’t. In fact, it only shows weakness and lack of vision.

Kenya’s choice to abstain is an insult to its history, its people, and the very principles that once made it a leader in global justice. This is not leadership; this is moral surrender. And in the end, nations that forsake their principles for convenience only dig themselves deeper into irrelevance by Ndûng’û wa Ndegwa

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