How God protects his servants, the case of Apostle Paul/Apostle Godwin Robinson



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Over forty men bound themselves with an oath; they will never eat nor drink until they’ve killed Paul. However, God made a mess of the plot with a little boy who overheard their murderous plot, so he went ahead to leak their plans to the authorities. May God mess up everyone who said, “They will never rest until they have destroyed you.” May God mess them up in a most unusual way, In Jesus’ name.

Paul went ahead to fulfill destiny. Friends, it doesn’t matter who is against you and who is coming after you; stay with God, and such a person will have God to deal with.”

“And the night following, the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.
And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.
And there were more than forty who had made this conspiracy.”….Acts 23:11-13

Stop the fear of what they said, what they would do, and what they’ve done to some people already. Remember, God’s word said, “Your knowledge of God and His supremacy and sovereignty over 8 billion people worldwide and over 500 million Galaxies will always determine your Victory.

Those who know their God shall be strong and do strange, powerful things. Daniel 11:32

Now, I am aware you know the outcome already.
Friend, you can’t win with God when you walk in ignorance, nope.

Everything and every one the devil wants to use against you is all at the mercy of God.

Your knowledge of God and His works will build your faith and drive away fear from you.
That’s how God will step in and take over that battle. Similarly, He will use things as little children to mess up all those who swore to destroy you. Yes, God is that humorous. May everyone who said,” Over my dead body, I will not watch you fulfill destiny.”.. May their self-prophecy be fulfilled speedily. It is their turn to hurry to the grave in Jesus’ name.

You can read testimonies of people about what God did for them, pick up books, and read the Bible to determine to know God for yourself and see Him do wonders with your life. You need to build up your faith, agree God can do it, and see Him do it with you. God is jealous about His own. He will mess them up in a most unusual way.
Jesus is alive.
This is your time and your season.
-Apostle Godwin ROBINSON

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