Catholic Bishops back peaceful protest

The Catholic Bishops of Ibadan Ecclesiastical Province, comprising four states, have said that governance by palliatives, intimidation or by hide and seek methods cannot provide a permanent solution to the challenges faced by the country.
This was contained in a communique issued at the end of their meeting, held at the Domus Pacis Pastoral Institute, Igoba, Akure, the Ondo State capital.


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The communique was signed by the Archbishop of Ibadan Catholic Archdiocese, Gabriel Abegunrin and Bishop John Oyejola, the chairman and secretary of the meeting respectively.

According to the clerics, ” We strongly believe that if governments in Nigeria at all levels had responded more promptly and effectively to the groans and distress calls of the Nigerian people the current protest would not have gathered momentum.

” Nigerians have cried out about dire hunger in the land, persistent insecurity, failed promises, dashed hopes, the outrageous cost of living and governance, and ineffectiveness of the rule of law in curbing criminality among public officials not to talk of many public officers’ ineptitude with serious national issues.”

“We strongly urge the Federal, State and Local Governments to promptly attend to the distress call of the Nigerian people and turn a new leaf by responding promptly and effectively henceforth to the problems and distress of Nigerians.

“As we have said in the recent past, governance by palliatives, by intimidation or by hide and seek methods cannot provide a permanent solution to the challenges faced by the country.”

On the planned protest, the clerics called on the Nigerians who planned to stage a protest to be peaceful and orderly.

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