Afghanistan: Religious police to scour wedding halls to enforce ban on music, it’s un-Islamic

“‘Wedding or a funeral?’ Taliban bans music at Kabul wedding halls,” Al Jazeera, June 10, 2023:


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The Taliban’s religious police will be scouring wedding halls in Kabul, Afghanistan to enforce a ban on playing music that they say contradicts Islamic rulings on such celebrations, a news report says.

In an online statement, the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice said on Sunday that hall owners were instructed that no more music is allowed at wedding parties, the German press agency dpa reported.

Last year, the Taliban advised business owners to avoid music at public gatherings, but the ruling was not heavily enforced.

“If there is no music at a wedding, then what is the difference between a wedding ceremony and a funeral ceremony?” the manager of a festivities hall in the Afghan capital asked dpa on Monday. His name was withheld for security reasons.

Following the Taliban’s return to power in August 2021, many artists and musicians fled Afghanistan and sought asylum in Western countries.

The Taliban considers music to be against the teachings of Islam. According to the group’s strict interpretation, only the human voice should produce music – and only in praise of God….

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