Coup in Burkina Faso failed as Traore has the backing of the people/Security Expert

There was a coup attempt in Burkinafaso yesterday , probably the 3rd in recent weeks, and possibly French orchestrated, but it failed. Thousands of Burkinabes took to the streets, determined to take on the Putschists by force, with their bare hands. The coup failed miserably.
The 6 organiser were apprehended, and will possible face treason charges, and i will expect those traitors to pay the ultimate price. President Traore must be allowed to stay at all cost, and the Burkinabe have made me so proud to be an African man. Since coming to power about a year ago, he has built over 70miles of road, established this tomato plant project, mobilise the people to take on the terrorist, help unite other nations like Mali and Niger. Last week, they conducted a joint mission along their joint trilateral borders, will left 100s Of terrorists dead. The combined forces, working in synergy, has been a tremendous boost to the security situation. He has normalised relations with N. Korea, working with Iran to get drones, working with the Russian Federation to improve the security and wellbeing of his people.


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However as our history has taught us, our colonial masters will seek to use all means at their disposal to destroy any African leaders with good intentions for his nation. Burkina Faso are aware of what happened to Sankara and are determined that there will be no repeat of that.

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