The religious divide on the Hamas attack begins to surface in Nigeria

I will attempt to answer your question. Christians do not see Israel as a Christian country as that is obviously not the case, but if you understand the Christian worldview, you would know that:


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1. God chose the Israelites as his people. See Deut 7-1:7, for better context read genesis or zoom in of the promises made to Abraham I.e Gen 12- 1:3

2. The plan and gift of Salvation which is a package that allows us justification and redemption from sin and the condemnation of death, as well as reconciles us to God, was made for the Jew (Israel) first then the Greek/Gentile ( non Jew including Christians). See Romans 1v16.

3. The rejection of the messiah by the Jews enabled the grafting in (the adoption of-best way I can explain it) of the Gentiles into what is now the “spiritual” Israel see Romans 11-11:24

4. But God has never, nor will he ever leave Israel, but he will again draw them close. This is the kernel of the Book of Revelation.

5. The wars in Israel are tragic yet not surprising to any serious practising Christian because it has been fore told to happen, and unfortunately, it shall get even worse after a moment of false peace & safety.

Finally, the God that we serve, who is as much man as he is God is an earthly citizen of Israel having been born to the house of David. Simply put, there is no Christianity without Israel. Ethiopia, whilst pertinent to the history of Christianity, at least in Africa, pales in comparison to Israel as it relates to historical sites and links to the bible. I hope I have answered your question. Note that I allude to concepts that may require further study and scriptural references to fully understand, but I Don do as my power reach within the confines of one tweet.

@onyemaechib on “X”responding to David Hundeyin

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