CSU: Man writes Ecowas asking for emergency meeting to replace Tinubu on grounds of zero integrity

Dear @ecowas_cedeao @ECOWASParliamnt @EcoParlSpeaker @EUinNigeria,


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Presidents of Ecowas Member Nations,
Your Excellent Excellencies:
1) @NAkufoAddo @ghanagov @GhanaPresidency;
3)@Gouvci @AOuattara_PRCI
4)@BarrowPresident @Presidency_GMB
5) @Macky_Sall @PR_Senegal
6)@PresidentBio @Presidency_SL
7)@FEGnassingbe @PresidenceTg
8) @PresidenceBenin @PatriceTalonPR
9 @presidenciaCV @CarboVerde_Gov

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Learned African Leaders:

I crave your indulgence in a matter if African interest.

Recent revelations by the legal team of @atiku in a discovery expedition in the U.S has revealed the fact that, the chairman of the ECOWAS body is in fact a very dishonorable man who forges certificates asides being a drug trafficker.

I grew up to know the ECOWAS as a highly respected body tasked with the sole purpose of the economic prosperity of member nations. It is a no-brainer then that the leadership of such body must be free of shameful scandals and dishonest actions.

Sadly however, the chairman of the ECOWAS body (@officialABAT, current President of Nigeria )forged his certificate according to the testimony of @ChicagoState where he claimed he graduated from and also has an instance of Identity Theft allegation (evidenced by certified @ChicagoState documents).
Interestingly, this is not his first time.

He had claimed to have graduated from @UofC who denied him. Shortly thereafter he stuck to the false story of graduating only from @ChicagoState.

Further investigations has revealed that he tried to obtain admission into same school by forging a school certificate result where he supposedly graduated in 1970 whilst the school was established in 1974. He would then later claim he graduated from another school in Ibadan who also later rejected him.

Attached is a link to find certified true copies of the Depositions completed in the U.S courts 3 days ago.
On same handle this story has been told in the last 2 days repteadly.


Disgracefully, over the years, he claimed he made 1.8m$ in 1 year whilst working with @Deloitte. Attached, is a response to a Subpoena seeking to verify such claims. As you might guess, @Deloitte have denied him.

These lies have survived for years until now.

Your Excellencies, in the eyes of the world, Africans cannot continue to be seen as dishonourable and fraudulent people, especially at a time when we need purposeful and intentional leadership to surmount our challenges. We should have long passed the stage of having leaders with zero integrity.

On that note, I recommend an emergency meeting be convened immediately to determine the future of the leadership of this great body and a new leadership be chosen consequently.

Learned men such as yourselves cannot be advised and led by a man who forges international univeristy degrees and does not have a single certificate to his name that can be verified by any school in Nigeria or whose educational qualifications is fraudulent and disgracefully mischievous.

The integrity and respect due Ecowas must come first at this age and time before the interest of any individual if we are to move forward with the rest of the world. I do not expect men of your quality to be led by someone soiled with such level of corruption, dishonesty and malfeasance.

This is a very messy but developing story. Should you require a full briefing, feel free to reach out to the journalist (@Davidhundeyin) who first discovered this monumental fraud in 2022, before the legal depositions in the US unravelled these mysteries.

Your Excellencies, this is a clarion call. But, how would you respond? The all-seeing eyes of history watches keenly, eagerly and surely.

Your son
Winston Adaete.

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