Continental political party calls for lifting of sanctions on Niger Republic

Ladies and gentlemen,


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Today, we the members of the African Continental Unity Party-ACUP all over Africa and in the diaspora do stand before the world to address a pressing issue that demands our attention — the ongoing war in Niger.

It is a matter of utmost urgency that we reflect upon the devastating consequences of armed conflict and advocate for peace.

War, in all its forms, inflicts immeasurable suffering upon innocent civilians and exacerbates the already dire humanitarian situation in Niger. The conflict has resulted in the displacement of countless families, leaving them without homes, livelihoods, and access to basic necessities. Children are deprived of education, healthcare, and a stable future, as they are forced to bear witness to senseless violence and destruction.

It is essential to recognize that war is not a solution but a problem in itself. Resorting to violence only perpetuates a never-ending cycle of hatred and retaliation, leading to more bloodshed and loss of life. The people of Niger, like all human beings, deserve to live in peace, security, and dignity. We must prioritize diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and mediation to resolve differences and promote reconciliation.

Furthermore, war undermines the progress of nations. It diverts valuable resources that could otherwise be invested in the development of infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other critical sectors. Niger, a country already grappling with poverty and underdevelopment, cannot afford to continue down this destructive path. Instead, we should focus on fostering economic growth, eradicating poverty, and improving the lives of its citizens.

Moreover, war in Niger has regional and global implications. It not only destabilizes neighboring countries but also provides fertile ground for the proliferation of extremism and terrorism. The conflict becomes a breeding ground for various armed groups, posing a threat to regional and international security.

To address these challenges effectively, we must adopt a comprehensive approach that combines security measures with long-term development strategies and cooperation among nations.

Lastly, let us not forget the immense human cost of war. Every life lost is a tragedy, and every injury leaves a lasting impact on individuals, families, and communities. We must prioritize the preservation of human life and work towards a world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, negotiation, and diplomacy.

In conclusion, we implore all civil society movements and opinion leaders to join hands in raising awareness about the war in Niger and advocating for peace. Let us promote dialogue, support humanitarian efforts, and engage in constructive diplomacy to bring an end to this devastating conflict.

Together, we can make a difference and strive towards a future where peace prevails over violence and hope triumphs over despair.

We, the ACUP, are saying no to war in Niger and we are saying this all over our beloved Africa.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we stand before you to express our deep concern and opposition to the imposition of sanctions on Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea.
Sanctions are often employed as a tool of foreign policy to exert pressure on a nation, but in the case of Niger and other affected countries, they would be detrimental to the well-being of its people and counterproductive to achieving the desired outcomes.

Niger, as a typical example, a landlocked country in West Africa, is already facing numerous challenges. It struggles with poverty, food insecurity, a fragile healthcare system, and limited access to education. Imposing sanctions would only exacerbate the suffering of the ordinary citizens who are already bearing the brunt of these difficulties.

Sanctions have proved to be ineffective in achieving their intended objectives in many cases around the world. Instead, they often lead to unintended consequences and inflict harm on innocent civilians. By restricting trade and economic activities, sanctions can result in job losses, reduced access to essential goods and services, and hinder the overall development of the country. It is the vulnerable and marginalized populations, including children, women, and the elderly, who suffer the most.

Furthermore, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea are grappling with serious security challenges, including the threat of terrorism and regional instability. These issues require international cooperation, dialogue, and support, rather than punitive measures like sanctions. By imposing sanctions, we risk pushing Niger and other affected countries further into isolation, impeding its ability to address security concerns effectively, and undermining the stability of the entire region.

It is crucial to acknowledge that the people of Niger Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea are not responsible for the actions or policies that may have led to calls for sanctions. The imposition of sanctions would be an unfair punishment on innocent individuals who are already struggling to make ends meet. It is vital to separate political objectives from the humanitarian needs of the population.

Instead of sanctions, we propose that the international community focuses on constructive engagement with Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. This can involve diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and targeted assistance to address the root causes of the challenges facing the countries. Providing support for economic development, education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects will have a far more positive impact on the lives of the people than punitive measures.

In conclusion, sanctions on Niger and other affected countries would not only deepen the suffering of the people but also hinder the prospects for stability, development, and security in the region. Let us advocate for dialogue, cooperation, and assistance rather than punitive measures. Together, we can work towards a better future for Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea.

Thank you.

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