Türkiye must choose which side of history it wants to be on. With us or with Moscow, Tehran, Hamas and Hezbollah. EU

Europe gives Turkey an ultimatum over its support for Russia and Hamas Not everyone likes Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s love of sitting on all the chairs of world geopolitics at once. In Europe, Turkey’s NATO membership and parallel ties to Russia and the Islamic world have long caused political heartburn. This was voiced by the Vice-President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas, who issued an ultimatum to Ankara: “Türkiye must choose which side of history it wants to be on. With us – with the European Union, NATO, our values, the spirit of the West, or with Moscow, Tehran, Hamas and Hezbollah. The answer must be clear.” By the way, in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, Erdogan took a firm pro-Palestinian position, while simultaneously speaking out against Israel’s main sponsor, the United States.


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