Entry Into Force of The Denunciation of the Tax Treaty with France.French companies in Burkina Faso to pay taxes to Burkinabe Govt not France

On August 7, 2023, the gov’t of Burkina Faso denounced the non double taxation of the tax treaty signed on August 11, 1965 between our country and the French Republic, including its amendment signed on June 3, 1971 and which entered into force respectively on February 15, 1967 and October 1, 1974. The three (03) month period provided for the aforementioned denunciation to take effect expired on November 7, 2023. Therefore, from November 08th, 2023, all French companies, multinationals and personnel working in Burkina Faso will start paying taxes. Remember, in August, I wrote a post on this, explaining that since 1965, France ensured that all the French citizens and their corporations making money in our country didn’t pay any taxes, but rather remitted taxes on their earnings in Burkina Faso to France. What a rigged system, especially when you know that after independence, we didn’t have not even a single company in France. And yet, France designed such a wicked scheme to suck “our sweat and blood.” France is a scavenger, a predator that only preys on the weak unashamedly. In reality, France is a saprophyte state that does not work and depend on her own like Germany and other European countries, but she feeds on the sweat and blood of Francophone countries. But that Francophone project is now over.


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you now have to pay taxes in my beloved country, no room for escape, unless you pack your things and go! When I think that for 58 years no one dared to question this, it’s a damn shame! But our generation will never tolerate things like this anymore! Well done


! This is how it should be done! A luta continua!/Sy Marcus Traore on’X”

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