Simon Ekpa working with Nigeria Security outfit responsible for killing two policemen in Imo/Elochukwu Ohiagu

Information I gathered stated that some policemen were shot and kïlled in Ahiara junction. Three months ago Supreme Court postponed MNK’s court case to the 15th of December everywhere was calm. No kïlling of police. The little !@#$ living in Finland did not start shouting sit at home. But suddenly, 15th of December is around the corner and we have started hearing attacks on Policemen. The little Ekperima in Finland has started shouting 5 days useless sit at home he knows won’t happen. Do you now understand the game? They all are working together. It is a game between the agents of the government and the criminal infiltrator working for the government. They want to use it to make it look like releasing MNK will be a mistake. The criminal in Finland works for the zoo. The game is heat up things as to jeopardize MNK’s case. That’s why suddenly Nïgeria Army started talking about him again. The zoo is sacrificing their own men just to prove a dubious point. The judiciary should not allow themselves to be blackmailed by these games. The executive have ridiculed you people enough and it is time to redeem yourselves by dishing out justice. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu must be released…Elochukwu Ohagi on “X”


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