Burkinabe Chief Of Staff congratulates troops that fought off 3000 terrorists in Djibo

Burkina Faso


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– The Chief of Staff on the aftermath of the battle of Djibo! The Chief of Staff of our armed forces, General Célestin Simporé went to Djibo to congratulate his boys who vigorously fought the 3000+ western mercenaries who attacked the military base. Here is what he is saying, “People had already sold out Djibo, for them, Djibo was done, but Djibo is still there. So, the fighters of Djibo have become heroes. Therefore, I am here to congratulate you, because you have led the fight that was needed. In any case, the whole nation applauds you and is proud of you. Today, we are proud because, there is something unprecedented that has been done here, and I urge you to keep up the good work.” Now, on the day of the attack, I have seen on the pages of some stateless Burkinabè who in advance claimed that the base was completely destroyed and overtaken by the terrorists, and that the town had already fallen into their hands. And they were rejoicing, I’m not lying. These sellouts have already fled the country and are in Côte d’Ivoire, Germany, and in the USA

. I won’t mention their names, because it is irrelevant. And worst, these traitors posted on social media that our soldiers killed 40 civilians as part of the drone strikes. Question: in all the videos that I posted, have you seen any civilians around the base? The base is in the outskirts of the town, very far from residences. But these sellouts who are overseas are relaying false information. We were not surprised at all. In fact, we were expecting them to start spreading fake news. So, understand that when the man said that people had already sold out Djibo, he knows something, because we are still wondering how this large number of terrorists got there without being spotted, especially with all the heavy equipment. And guess what, because of these western mouthpieces, all the French fake news media claimed that the base has been vandalized and that our military killed at least 40 civilians. If you don’t believe me, just look it up, you’ll see that they are all relating the same story, but it first came out of the mouths of Burkinabè traitors. Are they paid to denigrate their own country? I’m even wondering, how can the French fake news media publish something untrue given that we have shut them down, all of them from our country? And yet, they claim to know it all as if they were there. Smh! Anyway, as you can see, only the breach in the wall and the corpses of those criminals were still laying there. The base has not been vandalized and the equipment has not been taken away as these fake propagandists claimed. Later on, the General added that the men they came to find are men of good courage, and men who know that with commitment, the impossible is possible. According to the General, he will go back satisfied with his men, of what they did, and of their prowess. He said that he urges them to continue in honoring their motherland, because it is a sign that the enemy is in disarray. He is convinced that if the army continues with this commitment and determination, that they will see the end of the tunnel very soon. At the end, the Chief of staff congratulated the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) for fighting alongside the soldiers. He ended up by encouraging them to remain united.

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