New Ecowas wants a common currency and federation

Breaking Mali – The AES wants a common Currency and a Federation! This is the declaration resulting from the first meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), held on November 30 and December 1, 2023 in Bamako. The lady is the Burkinabè FM, Ms. Olivia R. Roumba, the host, the man in the middle is the Malian FM,


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, a great diplomat, and the other gentleman is the Nigérien FM, Mr Bakary Y. Sangaré. Among other things, let me give you a few key points: 1. The meeting of Foreign Ministers of the AES States had the particular objectives of deciding on appropriate measures for the operationalization of the Alliance, including through the adoption of additional protocols; to agree on a mechanism for coordinating the political and diplomatic action of the AES member states; and to determine the modalities necessary to strengthen integration between Burkina, Mali and Niger. 2. In the same dynamic, the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the three countries held in Bamako, on November 25, 2023, the “AES Ministerial Meeting on Economic Development in the Liptako-Gourma area” . This meeting formulated recommendations to promote the economic development of the AES, in particular the realization of structuring projects in the fields of energy, infrastructure, transport and food security. The Ministers of Economy and Finance also recommended the creation of a stabilization fund and an AES investment bank as well as the establishment of a committee responsible for deepening discussions on questions of economic and monetary union. Q: Do you still doubt that the AES intends to create a common currency? I don’t! The days of the CFA franc are numbered, and there is nothing France can do to prevent this from happening. We are no more in the 1960’s or the 80’s where they could single handedly kill our leaders without any repercussions. That time is over! Now is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or better still, a tooth for the whole jaw as@Nath_Yamb would say. Anyway, three are better than one. Btw, we are now hearing that France is trying to influence @ecowas_cedeao as usual to pressure the AES to hold elections next year, so that they can impose on us new puppets that they would be able to control and kill our revolution. Anyone who will call for elections next year would be an enemy and will find us on their way. We will expose them! No elections whatsoever until the AES is firmly and fully established, and we have our federation. Let Europe and the West understand that they are not our CENTER as Sembène Ousmane would say. So, we don’t give a damn about what they think. 3. During their deliberations, the Ministers reiterated their firm determination to consolidate the centuries-old ties that unite the three countries, through strengthened political and economic integration. They reaffirmed their commitment to raising the formal framework of institutional relations between Burkina, Mali and Niger, to the height of the special links which already unite their Peoples, and in accordance with the common vision of their Heads of State. 4. Faced with the challenges, in particular the need to urgently address common challenges, but also, and above all, aware of the tremendous potential for peace, stability, diplomatic strength and economic emergence offered by a strengthened political alliance, the Ministers, taking into consideration the pressing expectations of the populations of the AES area, and guided by the ambition to ultimately achieve a Federation bringing together Burkina, Mali and Niger, recommend to the Heads of State of the AES the creation of a Confederation of the three countries./Sy Marcus Herve Traore

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