The Burkinabe government shuts down all distribution media of the French newspaper Le Monde



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Burkina Faso

– The government shuts down all distribution media of the French newspaper Le Monde. In a press release, the Government stated that they are outraged by the publication this Friday, December 1, 2023 of a tendentious article on the website of the newspaper Le Monde

@lemondefr entitled: “In Burkina, propaganda is raging after the jihadist attack on Djibo.” According to the gov’t, the newspaper attempts to place the Burkinabè State and the hordes of terrorists who attacked Djibo on November 26 back to back, but poorly hides its penchant for these men without faith or law who rape, pillage and kill innocent populations by legitimizing terrorist speech and propaganda. So, the gov’t disagrees with what the newspaper Le Monde peremptorily asserts, and states that they have never locked themselves into a logic of propaganda in the war they are waging against terrorism. On the contrary, they have always made it their duty to speak the truth to the populations on the conduct of the fight against terrorism, and their communication on the events in Djibo did not deviate from this rule of ethics of governance. So, the gov’t regrets that Le monde is trying to sell public opinion on the idea of ​​a war of numbers in what was an unambiguous victory for the Defense and Security Forces as well as the Volunteers for the Defense of the Motherland (VDP) about the forces of evil. So, the statement says that the logic of the newspaper obeys wishes which are beyond our understanding but which explain why it allows itself to take liberties with the reality of the facts and betrays its duty of truth towards the public. Alright, folks, I have shown you before that all major French media have been shut down in Burkina Faso

, Mali-and Niger because, they keep relaying fake news and discrediting anything we do. When the gov’t says that the newspaper obeys wishes that are beyond their understanding, let’s say it as it: all French media are France propaganda machines. In fact, we recently learnt that @RFI is directly under the control of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. What does that tell you? It shows how powerful of a tool this fake news media is. Remember, during the Ivorian civil war, the same @RFI, @FRANCE24,

@TV5MONDE etc manipulated national and international opinions to the extent that we were all fooled and deceived to thinking that former President Laurent Gbagbo was the villain, and that@AOuattara_PRCI was the rightful and legitimate candidate. 10 years later, the whole world learned the truth and the lies of France and the imperialists. In spite of all the drone strikes that I showed on the battle of Djibo, in spite of the news from the frontline I have been reporting, these French won’t leave us alone. Why are they always interested into our affairs? I just don’t understand. Truly, France has declared a communication war on us, and therefore, we must shut them down, all of them
The government shuts down all distribution media of the French newspaper Le Monde

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