Emeka Offor strikes again: Critic arrested by police extra judicially

“I have been arrested by the police on the order of Sir Emeka Offor, because I criticized him. I want my people to know what is going on, should anything happen to me.” — Comrade Okonkwo, a businessman/activist from Oraifite in Anambra state, cries out. The Nigerian Police


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are guns for hire. Those busybodies are bullies for hire. Sir Emeka Offor & the owner of Erisco Foods are in the same WhatsApp group. Will the Nigerian Police ever stop terrorizing Nigerians, because they can? Boycott ALL Erisco Foods Products & call Sir Emeka Offor to order! Both men should go & pick someone of their own size. Help Sir Emeka Offor to go viral, until Comrade Okonkwo is released by the Police. Emeka should grow up, & stop acting like a child! #FreeComradeOkonkwo #FreeOkonkwoNow

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