Anti Tinubu protests in Abuja Kano,,Kaduna is planned and DSS alerted

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As a matter of urgent importance, this is alerting@PoliceNG@OfficialDSSNG

and other sisters security agencies to be on the Red Alert to tame the planned Violent Protest by certain criminal elements in Northern Nigeria. Intels from highly impeccable sources suggest that this impending violent protest billed for Abuja, Kano, and Kaduna is spear-headed by one Waspapping and other criminal elements to distract Nigerians from the ‘Good Works’ of Jagaban Borgu, across Northern Nigeria.



Omotayo Williams


I want to emphasize that we in the Southern part of Nigeria do NOT support the planned protest by Arewa against the government of Alhaji Tinubu. They should desist from carrying out any plan that will affect the already fragile situation of the country. If they proceed, we will carry out a massive counter-protest in support of the government. We implore you to wait until 2031; then, we can decide whether to hand power back to you democratically. However, as it stands, we will not tolerate any disruption.

Queen Bee


Neither do the Middle Belt People support the planned protest against Chief Tinubu. We will resist every attempt to make this Govt look bad as their action may lead to undemocratic change in Government.

FS Yusuf


Nobody should be allowed to protest o. Protest is Haram and it will undermine our national security. Let’s be patient. The government will do better. Everyone should stay away from areas of terrorists are operating. Tinubu is already doing his best.

Kawu Garba


If Northerners are not going to hit the streets and protest, president Tinubu will continue pretending like he doesn’t know anything about the increasing insecurity in Northern Nigeria.

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