Arms Smuggler threatens Customs officer on Tape…call for the intervention of CG customs

In these

videos, IBD Dende, the most notorious smuggler in the South West, can be seen threatening to kill a Customs officer who seized his smuggled goods. The officer he would have harmed had he not been restrained is an Assistant Superintendent of Customs. Some puzzling points about these videos:


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1.Despite wielding guns, all the Customs officers in the footage can be seen pacifying Dende. Why? Same trigger-happy Customs? “All the Customs officers with guns you see in those videos are his boys,” one source told FIJ.

2.Dende can also be seen bragging: “Ejigbunu is the one I called.” “Ejigbunu bring it [the smuggled goods] in. ‘Ejigbunu’ here is Hussein Ejigbunu, Comptroller, Federal Operations Unit Zone A. FIJ previously highlighted his role in the smuggling of unchecked items, including terrorist bicycles and tramadol, into northern Nigeria.

3. Dende can be seen ordering the receiver at the other end of the phone: “Call Wale, call Wale.” The said ‘Wale’ is Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, a Member of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR) and current Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC)!

4. Dende questioned the Customs officer for not stopping their bosses’ trailers of rice being smuggled in from Seme. Confirms what I’ve always said: senior Customs officers are among Nigeria’s biggest smugglers.

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