Why the north rejects regional govt/Engr Yasir Arafat

A region that doesn’t have gas line network to power its factories shouldn’t have any business discussing Regional government. A region whose resources do not even have the infrastructure to be harnessed nor will nor technical know-how shouldn’t be on the table where regional govt is discussed except if it’s ready to go the Congo ways. A region which is still practicing Stone Age farming when the world has gone mechanized with latest farming tech shouldn’t rejoice about regional government. A region whose resources and resourceful areas are at the mercy of bandits and criminal lords should run away from regional government. A region languishing in poverty with ungoverned areas with no iota of government presence nor infrastructure should negotiate its way out of regional government. A region where most states can not pay salaries of its workforce without federal allocation should shy away from regional Government. A region which doesn’t have good road networks connecting it for proper economic development should look itself in the face and tell its self the truth. We all want regional government, perhaps we think we will flourish more, but things are not done emotionally nor with past glory. The north needs to strategically position itself for developmental strides before thinking about regional government.


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