French spy mobilising youths against Mali apprehended

Mali – Another French spy caught. You see this woman, her name is Djeneba Keita, deputy mayor of Montreuil (France) and vice-president of the Greater Paris Metropolis. She was arrested this past Wednesday by the Malian security services. She is suspected of spying for France . Born and raised in Mali , now that she’s working in France, she decided to spy on her country of origin on behalf of France. We’re told that she was approached by the French secret services to spy for them. Therefore, for many weeks, she was visiting Bamako, meeting with some youth, gathering information, trying to buy them over and to turn them against the government when the time comes. I’m sure she’s holding her dual citizenship, and I don’t think this can qualify as treason. But this seems like a sedition plot to me, and so, it should not be tolerated, because other nations punish such a conduct. America would give you up to 20 years in prison if you’re guilty of sedition. Do you see how some Africans are? Because you’re now a French citizen, you’re willing to take action against your own country of origin? Smh!


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and General Tiani


, please, all the sellouts and traitors hiding in France, Côte d’Ivoire and elsewhere, willing to betray their homeland must be tracked down, hunted down if we have to and dealt with them./Sy Marcus herve Traore

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