EFCC IS A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION/ANTI-SOUTH Show me just one hotel or relaxation spot in Kano, Kaduna, Katsina, Sokoto, Jigawa, Niger, Borno, Yobe or any of the core-northern Muslim states that EFCC


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@officialEFCC has raided before. But it’s a daily occurrence in the southern parts of Nigeria. They are intentionally killing the hospitality businesses over there, and yet our leaders can not see the handwriting on the wall. EFCC

@officialEFCC is a criminal organization, and that is the truth. It is only a criminal that will break into your house or business by the middle of the night without any notice, and cart away your properties. It is only a criminal that will invade your house by the middle of the night, and first destroy your CCTV cameras, so he or she is not identified, or actions recorded. It is only criminals that will invade your home by the middle of the night and whisk you away without telling you where they are taking you to, or the reason. Even in the US, UK, Germany etc with advanced technologies and investigative prowess, you will never see them parade 15, 20,35, 40, 67, 90, 110, or the so called 127 Fraudsters in one day. Like how on earth is that possible. How can you arrest 127 fraudsters in one day? But it’s a daily occurrence in the south, and no one is saying anything. Even Hushpuppi and Woodberry’s case, it took the FBI almost 4 years to investigate and track them, in order to get undeniable evidence against them. But EFCC on every eke market day will parade 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, from lbadan zonal command, Port Harcourt zonal command, Lagos zonal command, Enugu zonal command, Anambara zonal command etc, as if fraudsters are now like sardines flooding the streets of southern Nigeria. How on earth can they claim to have arrested 127 fraudsters in one night, in one location

This goes to show that what EFCC has been doing is simple raiding selected locations and arresting random people. Both the guilty and innocent, and then tagging them fraudsters. Snapping them together in groups, and then circulating their photos on the Internet for our lazy bloggers journalists, and media houses to share without confirmation or private investigation to confirm the truth behind the story. EFCC will beat, intimidate, torture and force innocent people to agree or confess to be fraudsters. In most cases, they will offer you a plea bargain deal, so they could confiscate your money, property or properties whom they had seized. Because they know if they charge you to court, they can’t prove any case against you, because they have no case against you. But because of your money and properties, they will kill your spirit by traumatizing you. They will detain you for 3 weeks or a month without taking you to court. With daily barrage of threats. They will now offer you a plea bargain deal, if you accept to be a fraudster and put it down in your statement. They will then charge you before a special judge, who is in bed with them, and ask the judge to temper justice with mercy with a lighter sentence, as you are a first time offender who is now remorseful. The judge will grant their plea, and sentence you to one year imprisonment, with an option of 20k, 50k, or 100k naira fine without further conditions to the bail. You can now gain your much awaited freedom, why EFCC will confiscate your money, cars, house or houses, jewelries, phones and laptop, in the name of you forfeiting it to the federal government, but it’s a lie. They will not remit what you forfeited, or they will under report the actual forfeitures from you. With that, they have succeeded in rendering you useless with the name tag, ex-convict. Even if you don’t serve prison time. The question is, where are all the properties and monies EFCC claimed to have recovered from fraudsters. Can they be seen and verified. Can they be audited to ascertain their true figures. How do they forfeit proceeds of fraud to FG? Who receives them on FG’s behalf? What happens next?


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