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Until God grants you the necessary experience, you won’t be utilized to your full potential.
Enduring challenging moments is an essential part of God’s training program. You must rely solely on Him and His guidance to secure a prominent position in His plans and to fulfill destiny in grand style.
He was ready to deploy Moses in the forefront and use him as the first Apostle over His people to ensure they made it out of slavery and captivity into the promised land. God trained Moses at the back of the forest, but when it was time, God instructed Him to return to Pharao, as all he had gone through had transformed Moses into a god before Pharao. Yes, challenges do not leave us the same; challenges transform humans.
Beloved, I see God make you a God over all your obstacles. But let us avoid suffering that does not glorify God. We must not bring bad names and shame to our God.
“If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people’s affairs. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed but glorify God.”….1Peter 4:15-16
Ensure that whatever you are going through presently is not a result of sin or disobedience to God’s instructions and word like the above scripture instructs us.
We are permitted to suffer as Christians. It means to suffer in truth while you are innocent. For example, Joseph, David, Shedrack Meshark, Abednego, and Gideon suffered in truth, and we all saw how God gloried them as God himself took all the glory. We must ensure we do not suffer like Gehazi, Harman, Judas, the Prodigal Son, Absolalom, Jonah, Ananias, and the wife.
But if you serve God in obedience, you can be sure you are in God’s training school, and your enlistment and deployment with glorification is sure.
Friends, let us examine ourselves to be sure we are not suffering in sin. Such suffering does not end up in praise but in shame and possibly hellfire.
You might have to answer this personal question: Are you suffering in disobedience or obedience? One will be rewarded, but the other will attract losses and eternal punishment. Great and colorful destinies are lost while we live in disobedience to God. We are exposed to all manner of disasters.
But the good news is that you can repent even now, ask God for His mercy and forgiveness, approach Him with genuine repentance, and clean up to walk with God.
Disobedience will always open the doors to the devil’s affection and shame.
Please, friend, do not suffer as a criminal; it will not end up in praise.
This is your finest moment, and this is your season.
-Apostle Godwin ROBINSON
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