Lady who complained of too much sugar in tomato paste arrested

The company Erisco has issued a press release denying it but social media reports suggests the woman has been arrested


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@EriscoFoodsLtd PRODUCTS!!!! #BoycottAllEriscoProducts (This is the height of impunity and tyranny) CHIOMA EGODI bought this NAGIKO tin tomatoes for the first time in her life to prepare stew with it. After opening it to use, she decided to taste, to see if it is like the ones she normally uses, but the taste was somehow weird. It tasted surgery in her mouth. She decided to do a simple review on her social media page, to ask her followers, if that is the normal taste, or it is just this one that she bought. She did a Facebook post, to ask those that have used the tomatoes before the question. She got quite a number of positive and negative response after the post. The manufacturers of NAGIKO tomatoes

@EriscoFoodsLtd felt insulted because a customer asked a simple question online about their product. They issued a statement, twisted the question the young girl asked, and threatened to deal with her. She replied, and asked them not to twist her harmless post, because she meant no harm. That they should state the facts, as she had stated. To prove that they have the powers to make real their threat, they used the Nigerian police

@PoliceNG to unjustly arrest her

She was taken to Ogudu Police Station, in Lagos State.


@BenHundeyin. This is a new level of tyranny and impunity ordinary Nigerians have to suffer under this democracy in 2023. Manufacturing companies now misuse the

@PoliceNG to arrest customers who complain about their products. Nigerians demand justice, and some explanation from

@EriscoFoodsLtd. Injustice to one, is injustice to all. #BoycottAllEriscoProducts.

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