France sets aside CFA 252B to destabilize Mali,BFaso and Niger .. 4 coup plotters in Burkina faso arrested,2 at large

. BurkinaFaso: Culprits of the attempted coup have been made public Four top army officers were arrested, and two other officers are on the run, a military prosecutor said. The Chief of Staff of the armed forces admitted to having received arms and the sum of 25


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2. billion CFA francs from France, through former president Ouattara who’s aim was to recruit corrupt soldiers and mercenaries from within Burkina Faso. It was equally revealed that there is a vast destabilisation project for Sahel region orchestrated by France, targeting

3. specifically Burkina Faso, Mali, & Niger. Following this incident, Transition leader Captain Ibrahim Traore said on Twitter, he was “committed to the liberation” & assures the people of his “determination to bring the Transition to a successful conclusion, despite adversity

4. and the various manoeuvres designed to halt our inexorable march towards sovereignty.”

Sourced from Cecild84 on “X”

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