Pro Biafra group writes US president ..asking him to withdraw the current model of democracy in Nigeria

Dear President Joe Biden (


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@JoeBiden), I am writing to inquire about your stance on Nigeria’s democracy. While it is referred to as a democracy in name, many Nigerians feel that it does NOT provide a greater sense of security compared to the previous military regime. However, I would appreciate your honest assessment and bring to your attention that

@OfficialAPCNg has been responsible for more civilian casualties, particularly among the #Biafralans, in the past 12 months than during the entire duration of the ABACHA regime. I believe that a democracy that is worse than a military regime cannot truly be considered a democratic government. As someone who experienced the military era firsthand, I can confidently say that the level of violence and killings we are witnessing now is unprecedented. In the past, as long as one avoided confrontation with the soldiers, they were relatively safe. However, today we see soldiers bringing the war to innocent civilians’ doorsteps without facing any reprimand or caution, while the international community continue to secretly shield them in the name of Lobbying groups. This is not the

@JoeBiden we all know that used to STAND up against the oppressors. A silent slaughter is taking place in #Biafraland, and if this is the kind of democracy that is desired for the Nigeria/Biafrans, I kindly request that it be kept to yourselves. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, IPOB Liverpool Central October 11, 2023

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