Ahead of Protest against EEDC..protesters meets with DSS before meeting EEDC Today

*ATTENTION ALL* Hello everyone, My name is COMRADE NWADIKE; Convener, TRIG; the organizers of this proposed protest. I have been following posts and contributions by my colleagues on this platform. I have also observed the desperation among our people. Perhaps what many didn’t know is that from the first day we muted this protest idea through our posts and graphics till date, Conveners have been under immense pressure both from the EEDC and Security agencies. EEDC has been doing lots of callings through their Heads of Security, and when they felt we were not cooperating, had dragged us to the DSS. I have also discussed with the DSS, and today, we have agrees to meet on “a round table with EEDC and the DSS”. To avoid some members here thinking we have been compromised or accepted anything from anybody, I have thrown this invite open to all here who is available to attend. We shall be gathering at the MBARI KITCHEN, near WareHouse by 12.30pm for onward movement to DSS. We shall use the opportunity to properly articulate our stands for Ndimo. I agree with posts here that this time is for action. Once again, I appreciate us all for our comportment all this while. Thank you. *COMRADE NWADIKE* *_Convener, TRIG_*


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