Fulani terrorist threatens to catch Burkinabe leader by hand and hand him over to muslims for slaughter(video)

Burkina Faso – An idiot! This terrorist you see here was called Boureima Tamboura. He is Burkinabè who was born in Côte d’Ivoire = He is from Soum, the Sahel region and a Fulani. He was saying that they will walk up to the presidential palace, catch@CapitaineIb226 and give him to the Muslims to slaughter him . He cursed the young Captain and called him all kinds of names. He was responding to the message of Ibrahim saying that terrorists will have to put down their weapons now, or else, a time is coming when that will not be possible anymore. So, I asked, were these guys going to catch Ibrahim with this motorcycle? What happened to the motorbikes and Toyota pickup trucks that the French usually provide them with? Oh wait, I forgot that it is now hard for the imperialists to smuggle in weapons and equipment to their sponsored terrorists. Anyway, this idiot was killed on January 4th, during the operations from the frontline, leaving behind him his 3 wives and children. I won’t add the picture of his corpse, lest they lock my account again. Btw, this is not the first time terrorists make empty threats on a live video. Anytime they start making videos and threats about Ibrahim, it means that they are scared, and being delusional, because Captain is really doing a good job.


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