Newly nominated french PM is Gay/Sy Traore

France – New PM of France. @EmmanuelMacron nominated @GabrielAttal


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as the new PM of France. He is replacing @Elisabeth_Borne

. Two things you should about this new PM: 1. He is 34, and therefore France’s youngest-post war PM. François Mitterand named Laurent Fabius in 1984 as PM when he was 37. So, Attal holds the record of youngest PM in France history. 2. He is an open gay and his partner is Stéphane Séjourné, a member of EU parliament. FYI, last year, Macron nominated a new ambassador to Burkina Faso after we sacked their former ambassador, Luc Hallade, remember? Guess what, he was an open gay, and CapitaineIb226said, not here. So, we rejected him. I’m sure Macron would never have sent an open gay ambassador to Saudi Arabia or any Arab nation, but he had the audacity to try that this shit with us, thinking we were going to accept it. Such disrespect and arrogance towards Africans can no longer continue. It’s we Africans who must respect ourselves, if not, they won’t respect us. Anyway, let the West continue to do their own things, but they should never try to impose on us their debased morals. For that we say no!@KagutaMuseveni thank you for making a firm stand on the LGBTQ in Uganda !


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