Farewell Inspector Abe.

Farewell Inspector Abe.


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This is the one of the children (image not shared) of Inspector Abe paying last respect to her father. Inspector Abe is one of the Policemen allegedly killed in an evil forest in Delta State by criminal herders while on a lawful assignment in search for the missing policemen in the forest. Inspector Abe was buried in his home town in Ekiti State yesterday the 13th day of March, 2024 amidst tears from his family members, friends and well-wishers who came to sympathize with his family..

Inspector Abe served the country without blemish, it is sad that the country he served meritoriously never regarded his service. It is very obvious that the high echelon of the Police don’t care about the welfare and even the demise of their Junior Officers who died while in active service. The families of the deceased policemen take full responsibility of their burials while the Police authority pretends as if nothing transpired.

He left five children behind..

Only God knows how his children and wife will cope with the untimely demise of the bread winner putting into perspective the economic hardship biting hard on the masses..

Till date, the Police authority has neither address the nation on their death nor meet with the deceased family members to commiserate with them on the untimely demise of their fathers, sons, uncles and brothers.

The Spirit of Inspector Abe and others will keep hovering over Force Headquarters, Abuja demanding justice.

We are watching..

May the souls of the fallen heroes continue to rest in peace.

May Almighty Allah continue to guard and guide Nigeria Police protecting us with enthusiasm..

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